Leica R
Letus Helix / Easyrig combo
Sony 4K DCI
Leica R
Letus Helix / Easyrig combo
Sony 4K DCI
Central to this film was portraying the experiences of connection, alienation, identity, love and our characters’ relationships to these themes.
Working from a small footprint, the director’s vision was to be unobtrusive and interfere as little as possible in our approach so as to let these themes be externalised visually and create portrait of migration, the border region and these characters that wanted to depart from well-trodden moral judgements and instead allow one that rejected the biased, single-perspective news gaze that has ultimately been a disservice to those who decide to migrate across the most transited border in the world.
Working from a small footprint, the director’s vision was to be unobtrusive and interfere as little as possible in our approach so as to let these themes be externalised visually and create portrait of migration, the border region and these characters that wanted to depart from well-trodden moral judgements and instead allow one that rejected the biased, single-perspective news gaze that has ultimately been a disservice to those who decide to migrate across the most transited border in the world.